About Us

Barrister Qurban


Founded a Marxist party, Jammu Kashmir Peoples National Party (JKPNP) in 1985 and became its president. Over the last three decades, the JKPNP has emerged as a major force in AJK. He worked incessantly for the unification of progressive nationalist forces and groups in Pakistan administered Kashmir and in the diaspora of 1.8 million Kashmiris to achieve the goal of an independent Kashmir and setting up an egalitarian secular society through peaceful democratic struggle. Under his leadership, JKPNP has forged close links with other progressive political organisations internationally including India and Pakistan

Our Vision

Jammu Kashmir Peoples National Party (JKPNP) is a revolutionary organisation which represents aspirations of Kashmiri People. JKPNP was founded on 10th April 1985. It strives to liberate Kashmiri people from all historic fetters and to establish a Sovereign Socialist Kashmir. We have a firm conviction that national and democratic rights of Kashmiri people can only be restored through peoples struggle against the occupying powers - India and Pakistan. We are fighting to end foreign domination as well as internal oppression. JKPNP takes the stand that Kashmir is a historic, cultural, and legal entity and any attempt to keep it permanently divided shall always be opposed by our party supported by the masses, and is destined to fail. We are an internationalist party and stand in solidarity with the struggle of oppressed people around the globe.

Get in Touch


+ 01 244 567 89
